
22.11.2023 - 20 лет воссоздания Янтарной комнаты - выставка "Ярче солнца"

В Екатерининском дворце открылась выставка «Ярче солнца», она посвящена 20-летию завершения воссоздания Янтарной комнаты. Царскосельская янтарная мастерская предоставила для экспозиции редкие предметы, которые до этого не выставлялись в музее - историческую лепную модель большой янтарной рамы, антикварный микроскоп и инструменты, которыми пользовались мастера 20 лет назад. 


07.11.2023 - выставка PROреставрацию 30.11 - 03.12

Царскосельская янтарная мастерская примет участие в ежегодной выставке PROреставрацию. В этом году она пройдет в здании типографии им.Сытина по адресу Пятницкая ул., дом 71/5 с 30 ноября по 03 декабря 2023 г. Ждём вас!


08.10.2023 - Друзья Петербурга в Царском Селе / мастер-классы от реставраторов

Вот уже второй год Царскосельская янтарная мастерская принимает участие в программе Друзья Петербурга, которая проходит под патронажем компании ПАО "ГАЗПРОМ". Обширная и разносторонняя программа Друзей Петербурга дает возможность петербуржцам и гостям города принять участие в различных мероприятиях, посетить те объекты, которые обычно закрыты для посторонних. Вот и в этот раз участникам программы удалось попасть в нашу мастерскую, пообщаться с реставраторами и самим попробовать себя в роли мастеров по гипсу и живописи, а самое главное - унести свои ценные работы с собой, на долгую память. 


09.09.2023 - Яблочный полдень и мастер-классы от реставраторов

Царскосельская янтарная мастерская впервые приняла участие в семейном празднике "Яблочный полдень", который вот уже более 10 лет проводит ГМЗ "Царское Село". Местом встречи вновь стал оранжерейный комплекс «Верхние теплицы» в Александровском парке — в обычное время этот комплекс закрыт для посещения. Большой семейный праздник посетители ждут и любят за особую атмосферу и гармоничность. 


03.10.2022 - Профессия реставратор / Живопись в Личных покоях Екатерины II

Царскосельская янтарная мастерская создаёт серию интервью с реставраторами, занятыми в проекте воссоздания и реставрации Личных покоев Екатерины II в Зубовском флигеле Екатерининского дворца, для ознакомления с работой, а также с целью помочь в вопросе профориентации молодым талантам, рассматривающим для себя реставрацию как будущую профессию и призвание. Первое интервью из этой серии с Иваном Прохиным - реставратором монументальной живописи.


Despite the fact that the Tsarskoye Selo Amber Workshop organizes tours, shares its knowledge about amber with guests of St.Petersburg, arranges master-classes, seminars and talk, it still remains closed for the visitors on an every-day basis.

Read more: 01.12.2014 - Restoration every day

Dear Colleagues ,

Ltd. " Tsarskoye Selo Amber Workshop" has prepared a Contract for travel services in the new year 2015, and the Information letter, which reflects all the rules of the visit.

Read more: 26.11.2014 - tours into the Amber Workshop in 2015

Winners of the photo-competition "Tsarskoye Selo. Autumn" was announced today at the "Metro newspaper" office. 

Read more: 15.11.2014 - "Tsarskoye Selo. Autumn" Winner announced.

LLC "Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop" has always been interested in exhibiting amber works of art abroad. Asia - a region in which the art of stone carving has been appreciated for centuries, always seemed to be the ideal place to show our work and share our experience. We were happy to provide 10 items for the exhibition, organized by the State Museum-Preserve Tsarskoye Selo in Hong Kong. Some of the items that will be on display at the exhibition "Treasures from Tsarskoye Selo, Residence of the Russian Monarchs" were restored in Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop.

Read more: 15.10.2014 - "Treasures from Tsarskoye Selo, Residence of the Russian Monarchs", Oct 29, 2014 -...

September, 17-192014 The State Museum-Preserve "Peterhof" organizes an international scientific conference "The experience of cultural heritage preservation: the problem of stone restoration."

Read more: 17.09.2014 - Boris Igdalov gave a speech at a restoration conference in Peterhof

New icon "The Holy Trinity" was added to our website. 

If you want to know more about this item, click the link - "The Holy Trinity".

Dear visitors and guests of the Amber Workshop,

Do share pictures you have taken in the Amber Workshop on Instagram, hashtag your pictures with the following tags:

#amberworkshop, #restoration, #tsarskoselskayaamberworkshop.

Read more: 15.06.2014 - Tsarskoselskaya amber workshop on Instagram

We are very glad to see new positive reviews on our page at Thank you, our dear visitors for sharing your experience!

Read more: 28.04.2014 - new reviews of the amber workshop at

David R. Brigham, Ph.D., President and CEO of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) with his spouse Holly Trostle Brigham visted the Amber Workshop and the Catherine palace. 

Read more: 15.03.2014 - David R. Brigham visited Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop

Each year, Graf Von Faber-Castell presents its clients a beautiful limited collection - Pen of the Year. Pen of the Year is available for purchase for only one year, and is created using rare materials.

Read more: 28.02.2014 - Jasper Fountain Pen of the Year 2014 for Faber-Castell

Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop added a new interesting collection of photos to the section - Fossils in amber (text available only in Russian language).

Read more: 15.02.2014 - New pictures of fossils added

Have you already purchased a gift for Valentine's Day?
Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop shops have a large selection of the most gorgeous amber jewelry.

Read more: 30.01.2014 - amber jewelry - best present for St.Valentine's Day

In January 2014, a new book on the work of the Tsarskoye Selo Amber Workshop - "The Amber Room after". It talks about the work that continues in the studio after the completion of an ambitious project - recreation of a world-famous interior.

Read more: 15.01.2014 - The Amber Room After - new book release

Dear all - friends, colleagues, partners,

We know that each year brings us differents feelings, emotions, meetings, experiences. This year 2013 was not an easy one, it had its dark sides and bright sides, but we hope you managed to see each obstacle as progress and each low point - as a starting point for a better project.

We hope you have a merry Christmas together with people you love and a wonderful Year 2014 ahead. May it brings happiness, longevity and wealth!

Read more: 25.12.2013 - Happy New Year

Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop participated in the anniversary exhibition of minerals in Munich - Mineralientage, which celebrated its 50th anniversary and was held from October 25 to October 27, 2013.

Read more: 05.12.2013 - Amber Workshop took part in Mineralientage Show, Munich, Germany

We want to thank people who visited the Amber Workshop and spend their precious time to review it on TripAdvisor. We are very sure that their reviews that share their experience will be useful for people who are planning a visit to the Amber Workshop next year. 

Read more: 25.11.2013 - Reviews on TripAdvisor

In the Scientific reconstructions section of our website we have already posted some information about Berlin collection of amber objects which was lost during World War II. Today we want to give you a chance to see the beauty of old objects as well as the beauty of the replicas made by Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop.

Read more: 15.11.2013 - Berlin collection of amber objects

Dear visitors of SMP "Tsarskoye Selo", we draw your attention to the fact that the Cold Bath Pavilion and, the Agate rooms will be closed to the public during the winter.

Read more: 25.10.2013 - the Agate Rooms have closed for winter season

Dear Colleagues,

Our newsletter for the new tourist season in 2014 is ready. We plan to send it by e-mail to all tour companies that we work with.

Read more: 16.10.2013 - Tourist season 2013 has come to an end

Today we have uploaded a new video by a famous Russian reporter Alexey Oliferuk - Roman baths of Catherine the Great. 

Read more: 03.10.2013 - New video - Roman baths of Catherine the Great, uploaded on YouTube

A new series of videos dedicated to restoration of the Agate Rooms has been recently uploaded to the official channel of Tsarskoselskaya amber workshop on YouTube - Amberroometerna. The series is called - Lace of Restoration, and is devided into 12 sections, each telling about a particular type of restoration activity. Please do enjoy and subscribe to our channel!

Read more: 02.10.2013 - New videos uploaded to YouTube

New items were added to the Decorative panels section of our website.


Read more: 01.10.2013 - New items added

The Agate Rooms of the Cold Bath pavilion in the Catherine Park re-open for visiting after restoration, offering an exhibition dedicated to their revival and a tour of the interiors created by the Scottish architect Charles Cameron for Empress Catherine II of Russia.

Read more: 26.09.2013 - The Agate Rooms opened after restoration

With autumn on the doorstep the number of tourists in the Catherine Palace Museum-Preserve, as well as in Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop is no longer as overwhelming as in the summer months. We thank everyone who has expressed interest in amber art and visited our workshop this beautiful summer. We hope that we were able to share with you our knowledge and most importantly - our love for this beautiful sunny stone.

Read more: 15.09.2013 - Tourist season is coming to its end

Restoration in the Agate Rooms is coming to its end. Very soon the wonderful interior will brу open to the public.  

Read more: 15.08.2013 - Restoration works in the Agate Rooms are coming to its end

Tsarskoselskaya amber workshop created a profile at - a travel website that assists customers in gathering travel information, posting reviews and opinions of travel-related content and engaging in interactive travel forums.

Read more: 01.08.2013 - Amber workshop on TripAdvisor

Tsarskoselskaya amber workshop channel on youtube - Amberroometerna, uploaded a new video about restoration of the Agate Rooms. 

Read more: 20.07.2013 - New video about restoration of the Agate rooms

The Amber Room in the Catherine Palace of Tsrskoye Selo, which is marking 10 years since its recreation, welcomed its 10 millionth visitor on the day of July 12th, 2013.

Read more: 12.07.2013 - 10 Million Visitor to Amber Room

Once a year, the classical art world of Tsarskoye Selo meets the modern fashion world at the Project Associations Art & Fashion Open Air Show in the Catherine Park.

Read more: 29.06.2013 - Amber Workshop becomes one of the sponsors of the 5th Annual Art & Fashion Show in...

On May 29 the Catherine palace marks 10-years anniversary of its most beloved and famous interiors - the Amber Room.

Read more: 29.05.2013 - Exhibition dedicated to 10-years anniversary of the Amber Room

We have uploaded a new video about our gorgeous amber art-shop in Tsarskoye Selo.

Read more: 15.02.2013 - New video about our art-shop

For the first time a major exhibition is being held that will highlight the historical depth and diversity of common ties between Russians and Germans.

Read more: 15.01.2013 - Russians and Germans - exhibition in Berlin

October 23, 2012, marked a successful completion of another stage in the restoration of the Agate Rooms at the Cold Bath pavilion, started in 2010 with a trilateral cooperation agreement between Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Railways and TransSoyuz Charitable Foundation.

Read more: 23.10.2012 - Restoration of the Great Hall in the Agates rooms completed