The main task of the Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop in the field of Enlightment has always been bringing young people into the world of art.
To achieve this goal, the workshop has set up an artistic educational subject “Amber carving” within the framework of “Kitezh Plus” program. The structure of this program was developed by our craftsmen. It allows our pupils to master the first stages of amber carving. On the last stages of their studies they will be able to lay down their own project, to defend it and to substantiate the course of the whole work from the very beginning to the very end.
This amber craft allows children to uncover their potential, to find their own way of self-expression. At our classes we mix individual and collective work. Only in cooperation we see the basis for developing the historical structure of the workshop the aim of which is to pass our skills down to the new generation of craftsmen.
Today the Amber Workshop opens its doors to schoolchildren – for our young visitors we guide special tours. This allows us to awake interest to our craft. Maybe one day when our young visitors grow up some of them will come back to the workshop to become our apprentices and to study the art of amber-carving more deeply. Most happily we will give them all our knowledge and secrets that we have been treasuring for many years.
Our foreign guests also have the opportunity to visit the Amber Workshop during summer time. Our guided tours around the workshop allow them to see the process of amber carving and colouring. Moreover we always try not only to show the work, but also the result. During the tour our guests can look as closely as they want at the items in work – be it chess set, icon or chest. Being so close to all these objects makes them understand all the complexity of our work, which can be hardly appreciated when you visit the Amber Room itself.
With restoration being so dependent on financial stability, these days we also try to draw attention of Maecenas to the problem of restoration and scientific reconstruction of lost objects of art.
The main reason for the existence of the Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop is based on our desire to restore and reconstruct objects d’art. That is why our workshop is constantly publishing articles about our work and progress, so that the public knows about our work.